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So you’ve hired your doula and now you’re ready to eagerly await your baby. Doula’s are wonderful creatures, and very modest, I doubt you’d ever hear one talk about how incredible she is, or how hard she’s worked. So I thought I’d write a little list of SOME of the reasons your doula is incredible, and dedicate this blog to my sisters;


  • From the moment you ask them to be yours, a piece of their heart has your name on it.

  • When they go on call, they are available for you 24/7, and from that very second, their phones will be stuck to their hands.

  • They are always learning. Doulas love a good book, workshop or course that is going to help their clients. Their brains are like sponges, they soak up that knowledge and keep it close.

  • They feel. They feel every emotion present in a birth room. They cry when your baby is born, they cry when a new family come together and they cry again on the way home.

  • They are human force fields. They protect the mother like she is their own. Mama bear style.

  • We are a varied bunch, you won’t ever meet two the same.

  • They don’t mind being covered in bodily fluids. Poo, wee, blood, vomit or tears.

  • They love dawn. Like, seriously love it.

  • When they tell you that they wish they could take the pain away, they really mean it.

  • They know their way around a search engine.

  • They will happily miss dinner dates, girly evenings and even weddings to be with you.

  • They have a doula community, they are a tribe and they love each other like they are sisters.

  • If they don’t have the answer, they always know someone who does.

  • Their bags have a ‘Mary Poppins’ quality about them.

  • Purple.

  • They can survive on carrot sticks and Nakd bars alone.

  • They know when you’re in transition, because the room smells different.

  • They never turn down a cup of tea, the significance is too great.

  • When their client asks ‘did I poo?’ A doula will always tell the truth. ‘No, sweetie’.

  • What they can’t do to your hips isn’t worth knowing.

  • A doula doulas from deep within, they can’t explain why or how, but this job has been waiting for them all their lives.

  • When the time has come for them to step back, they melt away, but their ears are always open.

  • A doula may have attended over 100 births, but she will always remember yours like it were her own.

So enjoy her, trust her and let her doula you. Don't ever worry about asking too much of her, because working with you will always be an honour.




The Unspoken truth about your doula

© 2015 Sarah The Doula

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